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GTzone Ultimate Guide to Car Head Units

How to connect to Apple Carplay & Android Auto

by marketing gt 20 Jun 2024

How to connect to Apple Carplay & Android Auto

Are you looking to enhance your driving experience by seamlessly integrating your smartphone with your car's infotainment system? Connecting to Apple Carplay & Android Auto is the way to go. These systems allow you to access your favorite apps, make calls, send messages, and navigate with ease while keeping your eyes on the road.

What is Apple Carplay & Android Auto?

Apple Carplay and Android Auto are both software platforms that enable you to mirror your smartphone's interface on your car's head unit. This integration allows you to use your phone's features through the car's touchscreen, voice commands, or steering wheel controls.

How to Connect to Apple Carplay & Android Auto

To connect to Apple CarPlay, ensure your iPhone is updated to the latest iOS version. Open your phone's Bluetooth settings, search for your car's device, and enter the pairing password. Launch the "Tlink5" app and enable "Use CarPlay" on your phone, and you're all set.

For Android Auto, make sure your phone is running the latest operating system version. Access your Bluetooth settings, find your car's device, and enter the pairing password. Open the "Tlink5" app, enable Android Auto, and you're ready to go. No physical cable is required!

Benefits of Using Apple Carplay & Android Auto

By connecting to Apple Carplay or Android Auto, you can enjoy hands-free calling, messaging, and music streaming while driving. These systems also provide access to navigation apps like Google Maps and Waze, making it easier to reach your destination safely.

Whether you're an iPhone user or an Android enthusiast, connecting to Apple Carplay & Android Auto is a convenient and safe way to stay connected on the road. Try it out and experience the seamless integration of your smartphone with your car's infotainment system. 

If you encounter any problems during installation or shopping, feel free to click me to approach one of our customer services.

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